Secure Sockets Layer (256 Bit SSL Security) HomifyDeal Utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Innovation To Furnish You With The Most Secure, Most Secure Shopping Experience Conceivable. SSL Innovation Empowers Encryption (Scrambling) Of Delicate Data, Including Passwords And Charge Card Numbers, During Your Online Exchanges. The Entirety Of The Structures On Our Site Are Gotten With SSL Innovation So Your Own Data Stays Protected And Out Of Malevolent Hands.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an information security standard for affiliations that handle MasterCard and charge card information. Portrayed by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, the standard was made to hoard controls around MasterCard data to diminish Visa investigation through its straightforwardness.
All costs and figures are in U.S. dollars. We charge charges in the United States and Rest of World. Extra charges apply: Taxes, Shipping determined at checkout, if it’s not too much trouble, read Shipping Policy for more data. We don’t gather and store any installment data given by clients.
Yes, HomifyDeal is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant.
We are intense about your online security and have put away critical time and cash to ensure our answer PCI consistent. From yearly on location evaluations approving consistence to ceaseless danger the executives, we strive to guarantee our foundation is secure.
Your Debit/Credit Card number isn’t in our  access. At the point when your buy is finished, we are simply ready to see your billing data, shipping information, order details and the last 4 digits of your Debit/Credit Card.


HomifyDeal doesn’t care for it when somebody parts with our own data and neither do you! That is the reason we don’t lease, sell or offer your own data with anybody. Our Privacy Policy subtleties how your own data is gathered and how your own data might be utilized.
Read more about our privacy policy
Thanks for shopping with confidence!

Contact Informations:

Phone: +1(208)-623-9363
Address: 615 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002, United States